Poly Tunnel Errection

By James on

I decided to split the original tunnel into two shorter ones. The original tunnel was 17m x 7m. This will give me two different environments to grow in, making it easier to keep plants from cross pollinating, (e.g I can grow sweet peppers in one tunnel and hot peppers in the other). It also gives me a second chance if anything goes wrong with the cover or frame etc.

I bought a new sheet for it as the original was a bit ripped and torn in places.   I decided to space out the hoops a fraction more to try and gain some space. This tunnel measures 10m x 7m.  I banged half a meter of scaffold pole into the ground for the foundation and just sat the end of the loops over it. Once I had got everything level I drilled through and bolted the loop to the foundation pole. I didn't concrete them in as they were pretty secure and only a directly upward force could remove them, the loops were sprung and pushing them out so I though this quite unlikely, though I will keep my eye on them as time goes by. I don't think it would be too hard to dig round them from inside the tunnel and add some concrete if needed.